Not sure about you but this time of the year makes me dust of the journal and start setting those goals! One of my goals at the top of my list is to blog a lot more, I started full steam and then my schedule got the better of me and before you know it you have not blogged in three months. To those of you following me I am sorry it has been a little quiet on the Simone Style Café Front.
I know it is really cliché to have New Years resolutions and some people religious make them each year (I am one of these) and then by February those resolutions are distant memories and we reassign ourselves to the fact that nothing is going to change.
I don't know if it is that 41 is fast approaching or that I am tired of not achieving the goals I put down on paper but I have a renewed sense of hope that 2014 is going to be the year of achieving and exceeding my goals.
My age old goal is to get into shape. Now those of you who know me I am not obese and most people would say you look perfect but come summer time and December holidays when you have to climb into that painful swimsuit I do not feel comfortable, gorgeous or sexy. It might be only one month out of the whole year where you have to show a little more skin but it literally ruins my holiday. Now I have two choices one I accept that this is as good as it gets and just buy a bigger swimsuit and cover up or I stop wishing for the body I see on the cover of fitness magazines and put in the work required to obtain that physique.
I have chosen the later option, the goal has been written down (an important tool I believe) and now I am making myself accountable by putting it up on the blog. Goals also need to be measurable so I have taken the before photos (also a great motivator to get you to move into action and keep you motivated), I have met with a nutritionist to get a solid eating plan in place and to make sure I am eating the right foods and the exercise plan is in full action.
So I have the tools needed now comes the most important part of any goal setting make sure you put it into action! So guys keep your eyes on the blog and I will keep you updated on operation kick my butt into shape goal...